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Strikes On Gaza

Strikes on Gaza PALESTINIAN ISLAMIC JIHAD ATTACK ON ISRAELThe Australian Jewish Association (AJA) condemns the firing of over 160 missiles...

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Australian Jewish Association - AJA
Australian Jewish Association – AJA1 day ago

Labor’s so-called hate speech laws are an attack on the freedom of every Victorian.

There is major concern about these laws in the Jewish community. Labor is using the Jewish community as a scapegoat to impose these draconian laws.

One man can stop them.

Brad Battin and the Coalition must stand up for Victorians and not cave out of weakness.

Just like with federal Labor’s crazy ‘misinformation’ laws, a strong Coalition will see these outrageous laws defeated.

If the Coalition caves, then it proves that not much has changed with the Victorian Opposition.

Shadow Cabinet meets tomorrow.

Email your local Coalition MP now and demand they don’t conspire with Labor to harm the freedom of Victorians.


9 hours ago
