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Political Islam

After the Islamist terrorist group Hamas attacked Israel, some radicals in Australia celebrated. Several extremist speeches at Mosques were reported in the media. What is the role of political Islam generally, in the Israel-Hamas war and on Australian streets? Gregory Hearn is the Australian director of CSPII (Center for the Study of Political Islam International), […]

Connecting youth with conservative values

Freya Leach is the Director of the Centre for Youth Policy at the Menzies Research Centre. She was a Liberal candidate in the 2023 NSW Election. She is studying Commerce/Laws at the University of Sydney and has a background in macroeconomics, having worked in equities research at UBS. Freya has Jewish heritage and will share […]

Protecting children from radical gender & political activism

There is an alarming rise in hypersexualized curricula based in gender ideology in schools. In addition, political activism including anti-Israel indoctrination have become an "educational" goal. Catherine (Kat) is the co-founder of Active Watchful Waiting, a non-profit dedicated to lobbying against the medicalisation of minors in the name of "gender affirming care". Through the sub-committee, […]

Are Israeli “settlements” in Judea-Samaria Legal

With Alan Baker, international law expert and former Israel Ambassador. Amb Baker was appointed by Bibi Netanyahu to a three person committee to consider property ownership in Judea-Samaria. Also, the Australian premiere of Settlements and the 4th Geneva Convention (Episode 17 of Whose Land?) with film producer Hugh Kitson.  

Israel, The Media & Fake News

In Addition to the military and terror attacks against Israel, it has also been subject to relentless attacks in the media. What is actually happening and why? Danny is an Israeli political commentator and media analyst. A 31-year veteran of the Israeli government, he retired in 2014 as Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Public […]